Data management

Incorvus’ data management follows a logical path through the data lifecycle to prepare your data before poor quality or suitability distorts information architecture & analytics’ visualisation – or beyond that AI or ML! Looking after data repositories, infrastructure, processing and practices, as distinct from the stewardship of the data itself, should create organisational confidence. But…

Analytics and reporting

Generate internal credibility and external value from continuously curated and well-governed data which can be presented, realise value and meet compliance tests. When data is presented, so is your reputation. Presented data must stand the test of time as well as meet immediate deadlines. Do you have overlapping or duplicate reports, all draining the same…

Information architecture

As Steve Miller, formerly at Gresham Tech pointed out: “One fundamental barrier is that most banks and large enterprises rely on architectures that have evolved over time. In fact, ‘architecture’ may not even be the right term, as that implies a level of intent and design that can often be wholly absent. In a sense these…