Common data model

A common data model?

"The idea is to have multiple business applications using a common data model."...

Data governance strategy is vital for digital transformation

A recent Gresham survey of over 100 CFOs in Financial Services underlines exactly how vital a data governance strategy is...
Problem data

Data problems or problem data?

People like to blame data, but business issues due to underlying data problems speak to wider concerns about how data...

Metadata: the corporate blindspot

When it comes to organisational metadata, there is a blindspot! A core objective for marketing is to make sure their...
Extend ecosystem

Extend your ecosystem

Increasingly, dominating the digital space – as well as the physical one – is now a priority for ambitious brands...

GDPR week two: 75% likely to be non-compliant

Two weeks after the May 25th GDPR deadline passed, at least 75% of businesses likely to be non-compliant. Sector performance...

GDPR week one: 82% likely to be non-compliant

May 25th GDPR deadline passed but 82% of businesses appear to be non-compliant. Opt-in on web contact form. 42% of...