Digital outcomes from digital specialists
Incorvus’ services are now available through the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3 (DOS3) Framework (RM1043.5 October 2018). Incorvus provides digital outcomes and digital specialists services (Lots 1 & 2).
The Digital Marketplace, run by Crown Commercial Service, means the public sector can save on the time and cost of entering into individual procurement contracts, by instead procuring through frameworks.
The Digital Outcomes and Specialists framework enables the public sector to efficiently find and procure outcomes, specialists and user research services for digital projects, with emphasis on agile delivery.
Data is so often the cause of bigger IT and business problems, Organisations which postpone data curation risk greater pain and cost down the track (as projects stall and slip), and fail to realise the true value of data as a corporate asset.
Similarly, organisations with poor or incomplete metadata, will find search, analysis and governance a challenge. Metadata is essential for these functions, for managing unstructured data and for future projects using new tech.
Incorvus helps organisations ensure all their data and metadata are fit for purpose. As an information governance specialist, steeped in Business Intelligence disciplines and with deep data experience, we provide implementation services as well as thought leadership.
Incorvus takes a data-centric approach, starting with data and metadata quality, which evolves naturally into data strategy and data architecture, planning vital to the success of data-fuelled, well-governed ecosystems. Our task is to help you provide the right data, to the right person, at the right time and in the right place.
Incorvus is active in public sector, financial services and other regulated environments, delivering secure and resilient solutions, working with a number of key technology partners and with international contacts in support of its strategic objectives.