My systems won't talk to each other

From estimate to invoice

Automating the process “from estimate to invoice” requires applications to “talk to each other” & “share data nicely”! Small businesses...

“Too big to fail” – too proud to learn?

Sorkin's epitaph to failure should have been the all-time cure for any risk manager suffering from insomnia. but...
The data Cinderella

The data ‘Cinderella’

Data has long been the ‘Cinderella’ of corporate systems. Organisations invest willingly in IT system redundancy and high-availability, but rarely...
Geospatial data in the UK

Geospatial data in the UK

Geospatial data in the UK, its rise, significance for business and some of the problems associated with its development and...
data first

Data 1st, semantics 2nd & code last!

Without metadata, data itself will not be understood and therefore will have little or no value...
universe of data

A universe of data

The application of Kx to seriously big time-series data as explained by an enthralling professor from the European Space Agency...
Solid executor

The ‘Solid’ estate executor

Solid - managing your digital estate before and after death...
Unstructured data

“Rekognize” your unstructured data

Rekognition represents a significant step forward by Amazon in the digital battle to understand and grasp unstructured content via metadata...
Sharing the data

Public sector data-sharing dilemma

“Digital doesn’t belong in the basement, it belongs in the boardroom.”...
Metadata glossary

Metadata glossary: hours or months?

Find your metadata in minutes or hours rather than days, weeks or months...
Safyr by Silwood

“I don’t know any tools like Safyr!”

How useful Safyr is when trying to construct a data catalogue...